Become a Partner
Please fill out form and tell us which partnership you are signing up for, make your donation and someone will be in contact with you shortly. May the Lord richly bless whatever your hands find to do for the kingdom.

Deniece E. Senter - Brown

You are Chosen, Not Forgotten!
Please leave me your
prayer request.
Thank you for helping me save Dinah.
There are so many ways to give. Please click on the button to choose what area you would like to give and make your donation.

Become a Vision Partner or Ministry Force Partner with Deniece Senter Ministries today and receive the Abrahamic blessing on your life, a unique fresh anointing; a warring, fighting spirit and the favor of God. The powerful anointing on Dinah’s life saves cities, and restores nations. She is the daughter of Jacob once raped, battered, scandalized, called out of her name and abused. She is the only sister of 12 brothers who love her dearly and will do whatever it takes to fight for her. She is the great-granddaughter of Abraham and has inherited his blessings; she’s able to claim houses she did not build, and possess land and claim territory that rightfully belongs to her. Our motto is “Reaching the Dinah’s of the World.” It would be an honor to have you join Prophetess Deniece and her team in saving lives and restoring nations (Gen. 34th Chapter).
Through This Ministry God has revealed His undying love and compassion for someone who feels like Dinah. This ministry is especially designed for men and women who have a hard time forgiving because trials, tribulations and circumstances have made them bitter and angry. Dinah’s brothers Simeon and Levi committed a great sin fighting for their sister but God forgave them,
and their names are written in the book of life as one of the 12 tribes of Israel. There is hope! God wants to D-deliver, I-inspire, and make you into N-noble, A-accountable and H-holy men and women of God and snatch back all that was stolen from you. The devil can only take what is handed to him. You have the power to retrieve and snatch back your life and your belongings!
A Vision Partner is committed to a monthly gift of $20.00 or more (up to $100.00). With this gift you join partnership with Deniece in saving lives and restoring those who have suffered broken hearts and rejections like Jacob’s only daughter Dinah.
A Ministry Force Partner is committed to a monthly gift of $100.00 or a one time gift of $1000.00. With this gift you join partnership with Deniece in spreading the Gospel of Jesus around the world through the powerful tools of the TV and radio airwaves. Your love gift enables her to accomplish all of God’s commandments in reaching the "Dinah’s of the World."
My Dearest Ministry Partners, together we are saving lives and restoring broken hearted souls. Because of your partnership you are helping to support television broadcast, Write the Vision Seminars, Online Classes, prayer line, crusades, conferences and special events and a steady stream of resources such as our books, CD’s, DVD’s and so much more. Will you join me as my Vision or Ministry Force Partner? WHEN YOU DO THE NEXT RESTORED LIFE MAY BE YOUR OWN! As a Vision or Ministry Partner in 2014 & 2015 you will learn practical, God given principles to help you follow God’s perfect plan for your life.
As you make your financial gift today to Deniece Senter Ministries as a Covenant Vision Partner, you will receive these other exciting new Partner benefits:
· Exclusive Internet access to Partner features on our ministry website.
· Your exclusive Partner membership card for preferred seating at ministry sponsored events and a 20% discount on Deniece Senter Ministries resources!
Act today and feel the love of Jesus by becoming Deniece’s friend and partner. Together we are making a difference.
As a Covenant Ministry Force Partner, you will receive the above mentioned items and
you will have:
· Access to my virtual office.
My dearest Ministry Force Partner, to show you our appreciation and to make things easier for you, we have opened our website’s virtual office to you for your personal use. You may now read partners only issues, view my personal schedule as well as include yours. Stock information is available, current news, chat room, calendar, file cabinet, devotional messages and ministry plans. You can upload pictures, make comments and write articles to share with other partners and so much more. Through our virtual office you will feel more connected to me and the ministry. To renew or upgrade your partnership, please contact me today or call (815) 290-9848 to activate your virtual office!
Precious friend, thank you for partnering with me! The Gospel is your greatest investment. Your seed guarantees Divine Favor. Your seed creates a covenant with God. Expect uncommon favor and the greatest Financial Breakthrough ever! The Size of Your Seed Always Determines The Size of Your Harvest.
Touches millions of souls on a daily basis through our “Radio and TV’ programs.
Is restoring and helping ministries and businesses succeed through Write the Vision Seminars around the world.
Conference attendance has tremendously increased.
Website is listed as one of the most popular Ministry sites.
Let me hear from you by becoming a partner Today!
Please fill out form and tell us which partnership you are signing up for, make your donation and someone will be in contact with you shortly. May the Lord richly bless whatever your hands find to do for the kingdom.
Deniece E. Senter - Brown